Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In Times of Swine Flu

I don’t know if I am being politically incorrect here…but have you ever tried reasoning with a dimwit? Well, I am not sure if this is a meek attempt to achieve the impossible. Coz I have tried logic with a dimwit. And quite pointless to say, I have failed miserably.

What is it about dimwits? What is it about un-reason? What is it about the steady marriage between religion, blind belief, and stupidity? What is it about putting bona fide faith in an ambiguous All Mighty, without doing something about an issue, mortally?

Perhaps it is a coincidence that I am in the South of India; Chennai, to be precise. Situations like the ones I face on a regular basis, I force myself to believe, might have unfolded anywhere else in this country, India being such a sentiment-over-logic place. But however much I want to shake off any prejudices that some of my Tamilian friends accuse me of having, such situations affect my perceptions on South India quite inalterably. What remains are some bitter dregs…perceptions on the average South Indian character…conceited and completely closed to North Indian (whatever that is) suggestions.

Now let’s come to the point. There is an outbreak of Swine Flue in this country (The pigs finally got back to us, after humans spent centuries feasting on honey glazed ham, yummy sausages, and roast suckling pig). India being such an obscenely populated country, it has become a pandemic already. But people who want to save themselves from Swine Flu have their jobs cut out. Fight with dimwits!

Sample the following conversations with dimwits:

Conversation 1:

Human: Hey! I see you have fever, a running nose, cough and cold. You should stay at home and not come to office.

Dimwit 1: Who are you to tell me to stay at home?

Human: Well, just wanted you to exercise some social responsibility. That’s all!

Dimwit 2: I think this Swine Flu thing is much over-hyped. It has been done by the media to promote Tamiflu and encourage people to do tests which cost ten thousand bucks.

Conversation 2:

Human: What are you doing to save yourself from this outbreak?

Dimwit 1: It is the holy month in the Tamil calendar. Nothing is going to happen. Have faith in God.

I give up. For the obvious possibility that I might die of Swine Flu soon, consider this as my last post. Also consider this as an appeal to everyone to weed out dimwits.


Scribbler :) said...

hehe, your battle with Chennai continues :)
Well, at least no one told you "Swine flu is a flu among pigs only. We humans need not worry. Just don't eat ham..you don't want to taste feverish skin".
I wouldn't be surprised, considering some Know-It-Alls who have never turned on the news channel.

Debanjana said...

serious....life seems to be in a time warp here

Anonymous said...

Why dont you safeguard yourself by wearing the mask instead of accusing others and South India? Isn't this an intelligent decision?

The whole world comes to office and works, except YOU. :)

Tamil Friends at office. :)

Debanjana said...

Whoever this is...wearing the mask is not working for people who haven't had swine flu...it only works for ppl with the flu...read the papers, watch the news channels, and get intelligent...I am positively sick of Chennai...stop preaching

Anonymous said...

I seriously dont go by papers and telivision channels as they dont give right information always. They are still naive in several areas, especially medicine.

Reading news papers and watching television channels alone will not make a person intelligent. It just brings awareness among people. Have not we called TV an idiot box? It at times misguides people, like the way it is misguiding you.
It is you who have to be intelligent enough to take decisions after analyzing.

If you are really aware of different types of masks with different layers, I am sure those channels and papers would not have miguided you. :) :)

Anonymous said...

I seriously dont go by papers and television channels as they dont give right information always. They are still naive in several areas, especially medicine.

Reading news papers and watching television channels alone will not make a person intelligent. It just brings awareness among people. Have not we called TV an idiot box? It at times misguides people, like the way it is misguiding you.
It is you who have to be intelligent enough to take decisions after analyzing.

If you are really aware of different types of masks with different layers, I am sure those channels and papers would not have miguided you. :) :)

The Ketchup Girl said...

uh uh. how could i have missed this. so much drama!! Such panic, and such apathy, both in the same breath. Its tough to tackle pandemics in countries like India because people are not willing to be educated. People dont understand when they are told- if u have flu like symptoms, stay home. I think its got nothing to do with intelligence- its a case of a sort of superiority complex - that i know it all. Well, if people think that they wont contract AIDS with unsafe sex, swine flu prevention is a faaaar faaar cry.

Your fight with Chennai is running parallel to my fight with your fraternity :p

Debanjana said...

as I said, I gave up fighting with Chennai...:)

The Ketchup Girl said...

here's wishing you loads of happiness today and aalways! Happy birthday. :)

Debanjana said...

Thanks a bunch...buro boyeshshe birthday!!!