Friday, August 28, 2009

FLUX Big Time!!!

And I thought I’d not blog again…at least not till the end of next month...not till I am caught between a rock and a hard place. Life is going through a transformation…hopefully for the better. FLUX is the buzzword. We are changing houses, changing jobs, changing cities…changing lives...well, almost. Whew! More on all of this later.

What forces me to blog today however, is Amitava’s startling desire to make breakfast on a weekday…his startling desire to make breakfast at all…his startling desire to enter the kitchen in the first place. I am too flabbergasted to react…but react I must.

It wasn’t anything extraordinary. But our man made cheese omelets and toast. Now mind you, however mundane and effortless that sounds, for me it’s a distinct sign of better days. Life, as I said, is definitely changing for the better. Hallelujah!


Scribbler :) said...

That's the kind of breakfast I don't even make on weekends! And you have it on weekdays? Wow!

All we manage to do is force some banana milk shake down our throats :(

But don't celebrate may be one of those passing phases. And don't let it slip away too easily...why don't you gift him a recipe book for breakfast? Wrapped and tied with a red satin ribbon?

Debanjana said...

Brilliant idea...will run to Landmark first thing

Blasé said...

Beautiful Blog...beautiful Food...LET'S EAT!

The Ketchup Girl said...

more than anything else, i am happy you will move out of a city u so abhor. Good for u. And the fact that you are waking up to 5 star hotel like brekkys only adds to the joy. But like scribbler warns, don't rejoice yet at the Husabnd's achievement- it might just be one of those jhalaks. You know, those movies that never released- just remained trailers? :)). Post quickly details on the new life and times of Debanjana Paul.

Debanjana said...

Thanks KG and Deblina for the warning...I will be on guard and get a recipe book for him...and will surely post details of new life once there

The Ketchup Girl said...

Debanjana mashi, do come here to collect your badge.

Casuarina said...

I always feel one's husband should remind one of the qualities one would actually have desired in an ideal husband, but alas...!

Since things on the kitchen front are looking up nowadays, you'd better make the most of this happy phase, it usually doesn't last (sorry for being so cynical, but then you know, husbands bring out that trait in you sooner or later !!!!) :-)

I was introduced to your blog by a common friend, Moumita (your school-mate, I believe) and I'm glad she did : I'm having fun !

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

That's an awesome breakfast to have on a week day! And what a pampering feeling it brings even if its once in a while.

Waiting to read more tidbits soon!