Thursday, February 7, 2013

Of Life and Times...

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt the waves…seen the blueness of the sun-soaked vanilla sky melt into the busy foam of the Atlantic. So this time around Llanaber it’s going to be…a small coastal village on the western fringes of this cold island.

But why is it that we associate holidays with transformation and change? I mean, you don’t? Oh! then probably, it’s a bigger problem than I think it is. Then probably, cramming that blue and green knapsack with my Kindle, some really expensive sunscreen, a brand new straw hat (even though it’s hardly spring yet) a torchlight, some batteries and mint isn’t really worth it. Maybe I should just stay at home for Easter and wear my new fuchsia woollen socks (a Christmas gift), bake some butter cookies, watch ‘Remains of the Day’ and…that’s about it.

Now coming to the bigger problem. Why do we…errmm…why do I associate a holiday with change? Is it that a persistent desire to seek something better keeps me hoping?

Looking for answers. And from the way it’s going, I am probably not going to find them soon…maybe just after I have baked those butter cookies…

This is a problem with our generation, and not just me (I’ve just figured that out)…this constant living for the fun times…living a tough life throughout the week so that we can enjoy that affair with that coffee mug over the weekend…living a tough life generally, so that there is that knapsack moment when we can gather all the sunscreen in the world and set sail…

It never used to be this bad when we were children. I mean, our parents lived perfectly happy and SIMPLE lives together, with their mundane jobs for 35 years, my dad doing some mild free-hand exercise in the morning, my mother packing his lunchbox and mine, my days in school (with me flunking in math most of my waking hours), my time in front of the tele, my clandestine moments with the Nancy Drew case file books…we used to be quite happy with less.

Now we wear FCUK and Zara’s…need Atlantic coastal holidays and lavender and ginseng to get through life. Do we need a quack?

Not really...we just need to spend those big bucks, and hit the road. As I was explaining...It’s been a long time since I’ve felt the waves…seen the blueness of the sun-soaked vanilla sky melt into the busy foam of the Atlantic. So this time around Llabaner it’s going to be…a small coastal village on the western fringes of this cold island.


ritika said...

i have had similar thoughts lately, the pursuit of more, the pursuit of kraft when amul will do nicely. the need to fit into a Mango, the vacations where the hotel you stay in is all important.
Facebook is to be blamed.

Unknown said...

Don't they say: 'It is simple to be happy, but it is difficult to be simple.' To me even change seems like a matter of choice most of the time...waiting for more waves to come your way.

Scribbler :) said...

Peer pressure is getting to us. And as Ritika says, FB is to blame to an extent. There's no harm in wanting more..wanting the finer long as you can afford it and not hurting anyone in the process of acquiring them. But to do it just so that we can talk about it later, seems ridiculous.
These days, people click pics just to put them up on FB...not to save a memory. That makes me sad...

Debanjana said...

Agree with all three here....