Saturday, January 15, 2011


Finally 2011! Not that we’ve been waiting with bated breath for this one particularly. But the hope’s always there that a new year will usher in better days.

A lot has happened since I last blogged. Chorki, my pet hamster is no more. London winter is waning (or at least I hope it is), the horizon carries the usual cloud blanket, the leafless trees like a string of busy hedgehogs…we’ve been through a 5-day Christmas holiday and a 5-day flu after that…whoa! Seems a real eventful end to 2010.

So now what?...nothing really. Just reflections, memories, reminsince…I am getting old. I sure am...

How did each of you begin your New Years? Scribber? KG? Ritz? And what according to you should shape your year? Mind writing a post on this? Each of you? Looking forward to it.


Scribbler :) said...

Hmm, I'll give it a go, soon.
Sad to hear about Chorki, by the way.

ritika said...

hey happy new year :) and i already have one such new year post. tad treacly perhaps.

The Ketchup Girl said...

did a wrap of 2010. will do a 2011 too, soon. Sorry bout Chorki. getting a new one?

Debanjana said...

na....thought about a new pet...but can't go through it again....