Saturday, May 1, 2010

Possible Musings of a Princess...

And you thought I'd spend a lifetime with that view,
With that icy water...a sad battleship grey...and the pear and jade greens in the distance,
And that designer wardrobe bursting at the seams, with casual Chanels and Pradas...

You thought I'd be delirious with pet love when you bought me the Affenpinscher,
And the Havanese, and the Chinese Crested...
You thought I'd share my caviar
And tie Fuchsia ribbons on their heads...

And you thought I'd marry the Prince of Santorini
In his white tuxedo, full of classical feminity...
Smoking a Sancho Panza...feeling the Tiffanny and Co. in his breast pocket

Did you ever imagine I'd break out? and cross those icy waters...and get wet in the rain?
Did you ever imagine I'd drink pawpaw juice and speak Yoruba?


Scribbler :) said...

When she does break out, can I have this room please? And the wardrobe too?

Debanjana said...
