Monday, September 21, 2009

Updates from Bangalore

I’m back… (Ignore the Schwarzeneggeresque nature of that line)…I’m back after months of frenzied moving and packing, after carefully doggy bagging a detailed life in Chennai. It’s been half a week and I’m still spending most parts of my in-between-job times, cleaning corners and emptying industrial packing boxes.
First things first…never shift after marriage. It’s toxic. It’s plain toxic. I mean previously, you could make do with a bunch of paperbacks, a dinner plate, a spoon, a tumbler, a bottle, a few clothes, a rin-bar, a dove, and some sunscreen. Now it’s two whole lives…that’s right!
But let’s hope the worst is over. The weather here makes me think positive. The man is overseas, attending to some official business. I am setting up the house, appointing a maid, appointing a cook, making friends and acquaintances in the neighborhood, identifying the gorgeous babe, earmarking the casual hunk, and taking note of the over-inquisitive aunties. My real job starts mid-week.
More on Bangalore life later (if I feel like)…ekhon ghoom peyechche…


Scribbler :) said...

Tell me about moving! Wouldn't wish it on my enemies! I am living out of boxes too...been 5 days in the new house...but seems like 5 months of turmoil to get here :( Need a vacation.

Indy said...

I've spent hlf my life moving and with three kids at that! Sigh! Hope you settle in comfortably enough to relate to us your new life's tales! We'd love to read them!

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

The trauma of shifting doesn't really go away and seems to be a turmoil even when you rewind and think about how you managed it without losing sanity. Great post.

Debanjana said...

thanks swapna